Monday, January 19, 2009

Hey hey hey! Well it's been a long minute! Sorry for neglecting my journal :(. So, I have been super busy, working every day and training a couple people. I love my job working with students with special needs. It is the most rewarding and fun job I have ever had! I also just started back to school to work on my masters degree in special ed so I will be able to teach special ed and/or P.E. and health! I am very excited!

I went to Atlanta this past November for Nationals. It was a freakin blast! I think I got about 8 hours of sleep the entire weekend. I just stayed out each night partying with my friends! I got to hang with my girl Aleesha Young and her boyfriend and I also got to hang with some other bb friends which was super fun. My friend and fellow bb Shannon stayed with us in our condo so that was awesome! I know I kept her up a lot with all my loudness but I know she didn't mind! I did one photo shoot with a good photographer friend of mine Doug Smith who is a doll. He did a great job with the shots!

As far as bb is concerned and competing I just started an 8 week precontest diet, diet. I have been getting into contest prep mode these past 2 weeks and I am super excited about competing this year. I am doing USA's and possibly North Americans. But definitely USA's. I think the show is about 26 weeks away. So I have plenty of time but I am just trying to drop an initial 20lbs that way I can save some muscle and not have to drop a ton of weight at once. My calories are still pretty high and my cardio isn't too insane so I am feeling good! I am training at a different gym right now which has helped get me re-motivated. Sometimes I just need a change of pace in order to get myself recharged!

I hope to put some more videos up soon. I promise to get some interesting and fun stuff for all my members! I will keep everyone posted through my contest prep. I know it's exciting to watch the changes we bb's make with our diets and training.

Until next time!!